Nanolux 600w DE MH Lamp

MaxPar’s patent pending outer jacket has been designed to bring Nanolux 600w DE MH Lamp technology to open rated fixtures.


MaxPar’s patent pending outer jacket has been designed to bring Nanolux 600w DE MH Lamp technology to open rated fixtures.

MaxPar’s outer borasilicate jacket helps to provide the required additional protection required for potentially explosive high pressure MH lamps. The unique outer jacket is open on the ends to allow proper heat dissipation of the internal quartz arc tube and inner jacket. There is very little increase in operation temperature of the arc tube and NO degradation of lamp life.


Maxpar 600w 4K Metal Halide lamp is broad spectrum lamp which can be used in both the vegetative and blooming stages of the plant growth cycle.

Important Details of the Nanolux 600W DE MH Lamp

Listed below are several important details of the Nanolux 600w DE MH. This lamp has a patented secondary outer jacket design that uses a Borosilicate glass outer jacket. Because of this, it meets the requirements for O-type lamp ratings. The Nanolux 600w DE MH Lamp uses less energy and is more efficient than most conventional high-pressure sodium lamps. Its unique design makes it ideal for both commercial and residential applications.

The Nanolux 600W DE MH offers excellent quality and features. It offers five dimming levels and can control as many as 999 fixtures wirelessly. It also features an upgraded reflector and ceramic industrial receptacle, resulting in a more efficient light distribution in your commercial growing space. Its dual-jacketed construction allows it to be used in open fixtures.

The Nanolux 600w DE MH has been tested to last for more than 50,000 hours.

The 6000K blue spectrum of the Nanolux 600w DE MH Lamp is perfect for vegetative growth and produces a much more vibrant and healthy plant. This is the only plant growth-friendly spectrum that meets ANSI standards for open MH fixtures.

The Nanolux 600w DE MH Lamp features the new double-jacketed design to reduce the heat generated. The MH lamp is also more efficient than other lights, delivering up to 25 percent greater productivity than comparable lights.

Metal Halide 600w 6K lamp is blue emphasized spectrum lamp which is best suited for vegetative growth.


Maxpar 6k DE-MH


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